While we had certainly hoped to be able to do more yard sales this summer season, life had wilder and crazier plans for us. But, today we took the day for ourselves since the chaos of family had left town. All that is left for us to do is pack up the rest of the house before we move. We have been selling a lot of our things on Facebook marketplace, so Ciel was out on some errands to deliver some of those items when she came across a yard sale!
I was at home at the time dealing with some personal issues (aka, very sad). Ciel came home with a large $1 diet coke from McDonalds to cheer me up (idk why they taste so good, but they do, they're like extra crispy) and she surprised me with... these!!!

They are sparkly but it is *very* hard to photograph. It makes them ultra cute.
They are part of the Jazwares Pearlized Color set (I can't find much detail about the set itself online, it seems that there were at least a Shinx, Applin, Jigglypuff, Geodude, Rockruff, Marill, Tododile and Cyndaquil.)
The detail on them looks pretty good. My favorite part is that Chikorita's leaf is posable.
She managed to snag these for free, the guy was just happy to get rid of them. Which was really nice and anyway it made my day a lot happier to have a little surprise present. We went out afterwards to do a the Pokemon Go Tynamo community day, with Ciel getting 4 shinies and I got 3 which was great. It's nice to find time for happy things that we do alone together despite all the chaos going on around us... lol.
Who knows, maybe in August I'll have another yard sale to post about?
Until then, see you next time!! ^^

Despite the fog, there were a few yard sales. Most were the usual fare, but we did find some interesting things...
Some notable things we didn't pick up were a
1984 Kellogg's Toucan Sam coin wallet, an ash tray that was in the shape of the helm of a ship and had a photo of a dog underneath, some retro glassware, a porcelain lepoard family. All very interesting things that are fun enough in and of itself to get the opportunity to look at. And this is why me and Ciel do yard sales in the first place, really, because you never know what cool treasures you might get a chance to see.
We picked up one thing for $1, a Snorlax generation one dog tag. Which is really cute and we will be putting it to use to roleplay being in the Pokemon war.

If we told you what we found today, you'd never believe it. There was only one advertised yard sale, which had keywords like 'gaming' and 'records' in the description. So we knew there would be a lot of traffic. We woke up and left a little early. There weren't many people there when we got there, so we were able to take our time before everything had been picked through. There was
Bayonetta on the switch for $20, a handful of 3DS games (the most notable being
Super Mario 3D Land), the typical Wii games (
Just Dance,
Wii Play,
High School Musical...), boxes of records... and right there, to my shock were anime laserdisc!!!
It was a giant stack of a bunch of
AnimEigo releases. These must have been ordered from an advertisement like this one. I wonder if someday we will find some VHS releases on future adventures?
They had
Bubblegum Crisis (which we passed on, since Ciel and I aren't into that genre really), an OVA I'd never heard of called
Vampire Princess Miyu, and finally at the bottom of the stack...
Oh! My Goddess!. And my favorite part of the entire series at that. And it was

Vampire Princess Miyu is in great shape for its age!
Needless to say, Ciel was bouncing up and down and we were speaking in hushed whispers. The guy was nice and didn't feel the need to overexplain, he assumed we knew from our response to seeing it, which was nice. We got these three titles for $10 each, which was a steal. Even if we don't have a laserdisc player (yet), it's really cool to protect these until the time that we do. I'll probably display the
Oh! My Goddess! ones on my wall because they are that beautiful.

I'll be uploading better scans and a more clear version of the liner notes at a later date!
Additionally, there was a giant stack of PC CD-Rom games, which we dug through. I'm no expert on it, so we just grabbed the ones that looked the most high fantasy. It was cool to see some Sierra games. We selected
Arthur’s Knights: Secret of Merlin,
Baldurs Gate Chapter I and II,
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor and
Forgotten Realms: Ice Wind.
They were all caked in dust and needed some love but the ones we selected were complete, with manuals, so we grabbed them and the gentleman was kind enough to let us have them for free!

I love the way these discs look. Now to find the time to play them... LOL.
The next yard sale closer to home was nowhere near as exciting, it was mostly lawn ornaments, but they were all bunnies and Ciel loves bunnies so it made me smile : )