This concept is inspired by claim cliques from the web of yesteryear past!
And, of course, the revitalized scene that has cropped up here on Neocities and other hosts!
How it works is: you can claim any three cards from the Pokemon Trading Card Game.
Once a card has been claimed, no one else can claim it!
Please consult the list here of the cards that have already been claimed before submitting a claim request.
Please post your cards somewhere on your website and link back here so other people can join in on the fun! Any website is welcome to join~
You must have an actual website to join, so no social media platforms like Tumblr or Facebook etc.
stats Members: 5 Cards Claimed: 15 registration
closed temporarily
Then, add the following code to your website!
My TCG partner // NAME OF CARD
My TCG partner // DARK VAPOREON Or