Dancing Banana Men In Black Sunglasses

The Super Special Awesome EpicStyle Website Award


Is your website... super? Special? Awesome? In some kinda way?
Well... have I got some stellar news (oh my gosh I typed knews first can you believ iet oh) FOR YOU............

Presenting this shiny new award.

"But how can I recieve such an honor?" I can hear you asking. Well. It's really simple.
All you need to do is submit your website into the form below stating your interest in being nominated.
PLS do not list someone elses site. They might not consent to this! Only list your own ^^
I will look at your website. And all the other entries for that month.
(Don't bother reapplying cos you are in the running until you win!)
Then I will measure it for it's epicness.... and select the SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME EPICSTYLE WINNER

Once a month, I will select a winner and feature all winners here. IN the prestigious winners circle.
CURRENTLY THIS IS ON HIATUS... but it will return... SOMEDAY...

Next time this is active: COULD IT BE YOU?

Good luckmy friends... start your engines...
and may your website... WIN.


Closed for now!

Winners Circle

July 2023

And what a winner she is. Her site has that genuine, throwback feel with lots of soul and heart. It's got it all, ranging from very organized graphics collections of the highest caliber, to beautiful fanart, fanfiction and EVEN MORE! She even hosts some hard to find scans of really cool stuff. 10/10, keep it going and keep your eyes on her page cos she's going places!

August 2023

Congratulations Flonne! This months competition was FIERCE! (So the next month will be very intense to judge!)
Vivarism.net is one of the most unique websites I have ever seen. It's colorful, with beautiful graphics and crazy cool coding that pulls everything together, all done in a style that feels fresh and fun. There's so much to see and do, and Flonne happily takes your hand and guides you along... my favorite place is the diary, which feels so intimate it brings me to tears to read parts of. There's also a large artwork gallery... and if you like Undertale, you're very much in luck!

For me, what makes Vivarism special is both the message and its sincerity. Being in this place, I feel like I am not alone anymore. I think all users will really enjoy their time wandering through the domain as well.

I can't wait to see how Vivarism.net grows in the future!! ^_^

September 2023

WOOOHOOO! Again, this month had way more entries than I expected. Congratulations, Ally!
Ally's site has SO MUCH personality. I'm a little biased (hehehee) because I love PINK but it is also extremely BEAUTIFUL to look at. She puts so much of herself out there and it makes you feel warm, fuzzy, and welcome. There is always new content being added, and I'm talking huge sections of the site... there is a obviously a lot of love and labor that has gone into making Allyratworld.com as cool of a place as it is! As someone who has worked very hard on their own website, I appreciate so many of the tiny features that Ally has put into hers.

While it is hard to pick a single favorite section between the sheer amount of interesting, fun and charming content here, I think some of my personal favorites are the photo galleries, the weird eBay finds (I almost choked on my water reading it, good stuff), and the boyfriend quiz.

I really appreciate what Allyratworld.com is and I feel that you owe it to yourself to go and explore all the site has to offer. You can spend an entire afternoon here, really! SO... Go, go... GO and check out this magical place right now!!

October 2023

WELL, well, well!! How can I tell you how lovely Clover's website is?? It's visually STUNNING, a true work of art. Whenever I explore it I am filled with joy... The design is super unique from top to bottom, oozing cuteness, honesty and of course... CHARM. Hehe. There is always something new to explore (like all the new Halloween decorations... ADORABLE). There is even a fully active Oekaki board?? And a music player! What's not to love?

There are adoptables for you to take home with you, a Chao browser pet... I could go on and on but seriously. I love this website. I love spending time here. Clover has worked so hard on this magical world and you owe it to yourself to go check it out!!!

Keep up the amazing work Clover! You certainly earned this award <3 *hands you your giant trophy*

November 2023

OKAY, okay... I know, I'm super biased here but hey! You earned this!! *shoves the trophy into your hands and you fall to the ground instantly from the sheer weight of it*
Jules... your site is rainbowtastic and a real feast for the eyes. I love your writing style and it's something that I reflect on quite often. In particular, the way you engage and lead the audience through your site is just oh so cool... and truly.. Epic.

I like that you express yourself, all of yourself is here. I like that there is no apology for your honesty... cos it is a breath of fresh air! There have been many updates and versions of the Yurievinstitute (like when it was primarily a Xenosaga repository!) and it is exhilarating to watch it grow and flourish as you learn more, grow more, and put more of YOU into it. You are a very cool person, so naturally, your site is MEGA COOL : )
Good job Jules~ Can't wait to be able to talk at length about the pages that you have currently under development once you post them. I know everyone will love them too!! Now. Get back to workin and puttin out those regular updates >: )