2024-10-22: Still alive!!!
There is a great deal of chaos in my personal life, so I have not been able to update this as I had hoped.
I still have many, many plans for this space and hope to add more to it soon. I'm still here and around and enjoying all that the community creates! Keep it up ^^
I have added people to the Pokemon Trading Card game weblisting and The Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Webring. Thank you for your patience.
Warm wishes to all of you on behalf of me and Ciel <3 Hopefully my next update won't be so many months away... hehe
2024-06-23: Hello again~
There's been a lot of things changing in my personal life.
I have been working on my My Little Pony OC pages for
Silvery SnowStar and
I updated the look of a few pages. Still working on Firefox compatibility. Hoping to finally make my 'about' page interesting and have been working on a quiz for the website.
game review hub is up, I hope you will check it out.
Also, I've been getting super hooked on
Colors TCG. I really recommend you try it out. Tell them
Sephi sent ya~
2024-06-09: Happy 6/9 Day!
I haven't added much. The spring has been busy and I've been taking some much needed relaxation time.
However, I have added a new page,
Yard Sale Adventures.
I also finally noticed that this site has a lot of visual issues when viewed in Firefox, so that will be the next thing that I fix.
All the best to you!
2024-04-19: After a long hiatus, I am finally back!
I'll be poking away making minor adjustments to pages. Some things broke because I lazily used Discord image links. These should all be fixed soon.
I hope everyone has been doing well!! XOXO
2023-11-19: Haven't made any meaningful updates to the site in some time now due to real life circumstances beyond my control. So far, I've added the backlog of applicants to the Pokemon TCG Clique, updated the Video of the Month, and a few other minor (mostly cosmetic) updates. Hopefully, I will be able to dig deeper into getting some things done here... but it will probably be stuff that is very simple... LOL.
I must resist the urge to delete things!! It is important to keep moving forward!
2023-08-07: Progress on the Fanfiction section is going smoothly. I've been working on the For You section as well, mostly because it is very satisfying to put things in a list and organize them. A lot of stress in my life rn so that is seriously helping me feel like I have control over *something*...
I beat Silent Hill early this morning : )
2023-07-29: Sephiria.com V2.0 is live! I'm so happy I could cry!
My Neocities profile has been made public (scary) but everyone is super nice so far. Seeing the websites other people create brings joy to my heart that I can't describe.
I've migrated all of the 1.0 webpages from the old layout to this layout. The
For You (No index page for that yet but the sidebar links work!) and the
Videogame section are operational!
Applied to the Fanfiction and Geek Webrings!
Also, I've started work on a cute
My Little Pony page. Just because...
And... and!! (Yes, I've been very hard at work) I'm launching a Site Award. Check out the For You section for more info!
Next up, migrating the 50+ Fanfics to the new website design and rethinking the old Fanfic reader... oh boy..................... that's gonna take a while.... LOL.
2023-07-25: Long time no see! Sorry about that! So much going on...
It's a really busy summer. But, finally, the 2.0 update is coming together. Just finished off the majority of the
Webmaster page and the
Index page. Ciel has been hard at work rendering the frame and J has been super helpful getting all these iframes into place!
I feel really good about it ^^
Even if things are kind of bleak for me irl, I'm happy about the progress I am making here and am looking forward to having this be a safe, organized place to express myself.
2023-03-01: Added a few entires to Feb and added a page for March in the journal section of the site. Changed the design of my quiz results page a LITTLE and added it to the journal side of the site (just feels more organized). Deleted some stuff on the main home page. Feeling embarrassed about the layout a lot. Also added a place to store some widgets and elements I'm not using, as well as some banners and advertisements that I want to add into the site later
here. I find it easier to organize my elements on pages like this so I can go through them better than I can in a file explorer. Plus, that means other people can come grab whatever too if they can find something useful it's a win win situation : )
2023-02-26: Finally created a new format for my journal. Relocated the changelog to be there. I made a page to house my
game collection (view it in its own frame
here and wrote my thoughts on my PlayStation 2 titles I own. Avoiding the main sections of my website entirely as I create these framed subsections and finalize designs with Ciel and J for the "dream layout".
2023-02-22: *Finally* added a page for my
Doujinshi collection and adding updates slowly but surely. Also added a
Doujinshi wishlist page.
2023-02-14: Happy Valentine's Day! I have been making slow minor updates to the site. Updated the sidebar, worked on the
Streetpass page. I also added a Valentine's award you can take from this site! : )
Ciel has been working with me on designing a new site layout which will be completely custom. I am hoping to have this up soon, for now the site is kind of in shambles. Hopefully I will have this done by the time the two week window has passed for my Fanlisting applications (once I redesign the site it might be a little more difficult for people to find my Fanlisting page than it is now).
2023-02-02: School is all mixed up for me right now so I've had a little extra time. I also completed everything required of me for the Riddlebat zine so I was able to update my Pokemon Ficlet collection by fufilling some of the Retrospring requests. J helped me complete the edits for Overheat and Episode 2 of Little Cup League---these will be uploaded to the site very soon.
I've been feeling stressed out so I have only really made updates to and created the For You pages for
Dividers, and
100x100 icons. It is very relaxing to collect them all together, and will help me a lot when it comes to future designs of pages.
I was accepted into
this claim clique as well : )
2023-01-26: Two new pages up today! The Sticker Album and my Pokemon GO page are up! : )
Also, I wasted a few hours today doing quizzes on random websites. I posted the results on my Quiz page... some were really funny. For the Which Kingdom Hearts Character would be your best friend, I put answers like "I would kill without mercy" and I ended up getting Sora. Imagine him doing that. XD
I slept for 14 hours yesterday since I was feeling under the weather, so today I had lots of energy to face my mountain of Geography homework!! Then, after I was done, to unwind from the homework grind I got around to coding these pages. Now it's time to code a page that I've been really putting off...
2023-01-25: I think my sleep schedule is back to normal... which means I get to poke around working on the website early in the morning. Yay!
Today, I put up the page for my Shirona file in Pokemon Platinum. I also started the Little Cup AU page. I added some plushies to the plushie collection. I edited the way that months were displayed in my diary. And I updated the changelog : )
Ciel and J have been feeling under the weather recently... hope everyone is staying warm and healthy during the winter season!
2023-01-21: Happy New Year! I've been neglecting the site as I have been super busy with life (school, started going to the gym, family matters). Everything is going good though and I feel good about the future.
I finally got around to finishing off the homepage so it is not stuck in Christmas theme anymore! LOL. Took me long enough but... oh well!
I am not really pleased with the layout of my website as a whole but I'm not sure how to restructure it as of yet. I think I will complete some more pages first and sections of the site before I go about editing the actual structure of how the site *works*.
I really admire how I have seen other neocities pages operate, with two pannels on the side and a center block where the content appears. It has a unity that I feel this website does not have... hmm...
My work for the Riddlebat zine is completed so I am now free to begin work on my own writing again. Hopefully I can complete something before the end of the month! Lots of plans!!
2022-12-10: New sticker page, established a Pokemon TCG web-clique.
Uploaded a dozen or so of my fics that I have been meaning to get around to uploading.
Spent too much time playing with the items in the Treasure Chest on the homepage.
Working hard to get this place presentable. Also working as fast as I can to produce content for this site or to catalog the content I have already created here. I want this space to have many things for the user to interact/engage with. It is an end-goal of mine. I find myself feeling insecure when I see the beautiful websites other Neocities neighbors have created! I hope my website will start to fall together the more that I try my best! Let's not give up on our great ambitions.
2022-12-08: Finished the hardest of my final exams so I have time for web development! Finally got around to finishing the homepage! It actually has content now and not just a placeholder image! Signed up for various cliques.
New journal entry in the diary.
2022-12-02: Merry Christmas Month!!! Making my way through finals and added the journal page with a couple entries. The updates have been slow this month with the teeth of exams and finals destroying me... LOL.
The JRPG and Pokemon portals of the website now have themes.
2022-11-09: finished sidebar (mostly), working on obsessively coding the fanfic.html page while sick with a cold! Learning a
2022-11-05: It's official! The Sephiria.com domain is purchased and my sister helped set me up shop here!
2022-11-04: website finally established after over a year of incredible procrastination...
Year - Month - Date