Hi again!
Guess what! I finished my biggest exams! Freedom, so close...In other news, I got almost all of the Christmas present shopping done! Whew! I sure do love when things start falling into place.
We have a bunch of traditions but I got everything nearly all prepared or taken care of. So that means... that I can finally start diving head first into my hobbies again!
I managed to wrangle together the /home.html page (which was long overdue).
I also was accepted to a Riddlebat fanzine as a pinch-hitter! Everyone in the server is really nice so I am really looking forward to working with them all. I'm just waiting to see if my concepts are approved and then I can start~
Our house has been binge watching Rick and Morty recently to catch up to what is currently airing. It's been fun but man the episodes just fly by. I really like the show. Rick is a cutie. Yeah, I said it. I'll admit it. I'm not afraid. To take a stand.
Yours truly,
Hey again, it's been a while!
December has started which is probably my favorite time of year. I get really happy seeing all the lights get put up and the Christmas decorations. This year, I am really looking forward to the traditions me and my roommates have together. I'm also so overjoyed that J will be getting to be here for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning...
However, despite my holiday hype kicking into overdrive, school has been really kicking my ass. The end of term heat is on, full fury!!! Fever pitch! I've been making it through thanks to help from both J and Ciel but I haven't had much time for anything else. I managed to allot enough time to clear Pokemon Violet and then it was time to put the pedal to the metal for all of the essays and studying I'd been procrastinating working on... heheh....
Anyway, today marks the date of my last huge paper that I've needed to write. I'm working on editing it now but it is finally over. The stack of peer reviewed papers has been read and cleared. The research paper is out of my hair (after some minor adjustments...). The only thing left on the horizon for school is two final (take home) projects and an interview that I am oh so NOT looking forward to. But I can do this... I can do this...
I've had a number of people request commissions which has been a pleasant surprise. I haven't had any time to even write for pleasure so I've had to keep them closed temporarily. I'm really hoping I can get a few done over Christmas vacation! I also want to update some of my personal fics... so little time. I find myself really missing being NEET sometimes but it'll all be worth it when I can make $$$ (cope).
I also really want to play other videogames... work on this website... finally organize the downloads folder of my computer... I'm swirling around ideas about OCs too. I'm also missing my online friends and I'd like to spend some more time with them.
I'm still in shock that the semester is already over. Or well, basically over anyway with the majority of the hardest parts in the rearview mirror. It's amazing how fast time flies now. It's been five years since I started talking to J every single day and falling in l-o-v-e (as of the 29th). And it is also the three year friendaversary (today) of me and Serena! Wow. So much has changed and so much hasn't. I find myself feeling like me and feeling so not like me. When I think of things I've accomplished this semester, I mostly think on my writing and some domestic things with the house. I don't feel that I've learned a great deal of new intellectual information this year but then again, I did do a lot of research this summer which changed my worldview, etc. etc. etc.
It's just been so difficult trying to juggle all my hobbies AND school at the same time. But, I'm getting good grades and performing well. And I don't feel like I am nessecarily going insane. It feels kind of crazy to me that if I had actually HAD the time that I could have made the rent just by doing all the commissions for fics I was asked for last month. I never thought I could ever get there. And maybe that is partially the holiday season or something and it isn't like it is something I can depend on but it is nice to know it is there and that I am valued.
School kind of depresses me because it is all make-work and useless junk. No one really cares about it and our profs don't know what they are talking about. It's kind of sad that I can learn things on youtube easier, having a lot more fun and do it for free. But, you don't get papers for doing that so I am stuck at an institution with the rest of the crowd. I am grateful that J and Ciel are with me in this boat because I *know* I would not be able to do it if not for that... it just feels like such a waste of time even though it isn't. Like, socially it isn't. But realistically I know if I had all the time and energy to myself to do whatever I wanted with that I can really make my efforts go a lot further and develop more meaningful skills.
The plan tonight is to have some vodka and chill once we get our final papers submitted. Then watching the Berserk movies. Really looking forward to it!!!
Hope to talk to you again soon!!!
Yours truly,