Under Construction!

Click the links in the sidebar to be taken to pages (which are all a work in progress, sorry!)
Expect there to be a lot more here in the future.

Hello and welcome to the side of the website where I talk all about videogames!
I hope that there are things that you can make use of here.
I enjoy playing videogames as a hobby... so there are many fun bits of information poked in my brain that I would be happy to share.
Often, I find it difficult to find information I am looking for related to my favorite games, so this is why I wanted to put a comphrensive list of 3DS Streetpass titles and what their function is here on the site.

Additionally, I will place reviews, my thoughts and feelings on games I have completed, my game collection (and the journey of collecting)... and many more things along this section of the website. Truly, the list could never end of what I could place here. : )
While it is *tempting*, I will not be posting (for the most part) my Pokemon items here as they belong on the Pokemon portal. When nessecary, I will crosspost links and things like that...
Anyway, that's all I can think of to put here (for now).
Check in again soon to see if I have this page any further along later!!

© Sephiria 2022-Whenever, wherever you are! This website is painstakingly hand-coded (with spaghetti code) and built with love and passion. Banner background image is , illustrated by . Graphics have been sourced from various places online and provided proper credit where I am able to provide it.