Welcome to my garden

Click here to read my full terms of service!

This website contains *SOME* explicit adult material (100% fictional with warnings).

I create NSFW, grotesque, kinky (LOL) and dark creative works... among other things!
By entering, you PROMISE that you will do your own self-curating and not get upset with me for the disturbing (fictional) content you MAY find here.
I am not your babysitter!

Everything is properly labeled to the best of my ability, so please read carefully!

I firmly do not believe in harassment, I believe we all have the right to think differently and be unique.
I think for myself, I believe what I believe and nothing will change that.
If you feel it is appropriate to attack others for their thoughts or feelings, do not engage with me.

Feel free to harvest bits of my code or peek around for inspiration. Just don't take anything that I have made creatively (my writing, artwork, etc.) and re-upload or re-publish without my permission and proper credit.
If you want to do this, please, e-mail me and ask me ! : )

Additionally, if I am using a graphic (or anything else for that matter) on this site that you have made and you do not want it hosted or if you want proper attribution, please contact me!

By viewing this website, you consent to the above terms.
TL;DR: "Don't like, don't read!"

This website is perpetually under construction....

It is not compatible with mobile devices.
Built in Chrome, unsure of compatibility on other browsers.
Use your browsers zoom out tool to view the site properly.
Optimized for my display of 1920x1080 at 100% scaling.
Warning for flashing GIFs & bright colors.
Please refresh your browser/clear your cache on revisits.
Right click frames and reload them if they are being pesky.